4 Zodiac Signs That Struggle To Take A Break During Spring Break

1. The Gemini

There is the planning to do first. And there's packing after that.

2. The Virgo

Virgos are frequently meticulous and compulsive. Rome is a once-in-a-lifetime trip destination that you must see everything there has to offer. 

3. Sagittarius

Similar to Virgos, Sags also find holidays to be quite stressful, but for quite the opposite reason: they become restless and bored because all they did was book a week-long motel room in a different city.

4. The sign of Aries

The Ram's attempt to take a vacation and escape the stress of work life serves as a perfect example of how it is possible to be overly responsible. 

4 Zodiacs Who Feel Heartbreak The Deepest