Odysseus Makes History With Successful Moon Landing

On Thursday, a robotic spacecraft made history by landing on the moon.

Becoming the first privately constructed ship and the first American vehicle to do it in over 50 years.

Around 6:23 p.m. ET, the Intuitive Machines-built lander successfully landed on the moon.

Since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972, the Nova-C lander, also known as Odysseus, is the first American spacecraft to land on the moon.

Tim Crain, the company's CTO, radioed back from mission control, "Houston, Odysseus has found its new home," to a cheering staff.

It took a few minutes for the landing to be confirmed.

As predicted, mission controllers lost communication with the spacecraft during its final descent.

The business claimed to have detected a weak signal coming from one of Odysseus' antennae.

But further information was required to ascertain the spacecraft's landing method and state.

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