Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, February 29, 2024

1. Aries

Be ready for a joyful surprise today, something so little you could miss it or something so significant that it will alter your entire life.

2. Taurus

Card of the day: Knight of Cups. Today, listen to your heart.

3. Gemini

Cards you have: King of Cups. Seek equilibrium in your life now.

4. Cancer

This card is brightening your day with love and optimism.

5. Leo

Ace of Wands is your card.Today, an unexpected source will inspire your creativity.

6. Virgo

Today is the day that all of your hard work will finally come to an end.

7. Libra

Even if it might seem like you're fighting fairly right now, a peaceful disagreement requires two parties. 

8. Scorpio

Embrace the curiosity that seeks you out every day.

9. Sagittarius

You could feel a little lost right now because you're just starting out on an adventure.

10. Capricorn

It's going to be difficult for you to make wise decisions today.

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