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How to Keep Your Muscles Healthy: Follow These Easy Steps

How to Keep Your Muscles Healthy

How to Keep Your Muscles Healthy: Thus, stretching is considered one of the essential activities that should be performed to maintain and fortify muscles. This way you have an opportunity to perform more effectively such movements as walking, running, cycling or just playing sport.

How to Keep Your Muscles Healthy?

Follow the given ways to keep your healthy and fit:

How stretching helps: Regular stretching can improve your flexibility, which in turn can:

  • Foster a reduction in the instances of cramping and aching muscles
  • Assist your joints to go through their range of motion.
  • Improve your physical skills in games and sports
  • Stretch it out
  • Stretching is more than a pre or post-game activity. It can be done at any time and any given place.
How to Keep Your Muscles Healthy
How to Keep Your Muscles Healthy

Before and after exercise: Warming up your body prepares it for the exercise session it engages in and also helps in the rehabilitation process. It can also assist in decreasing stress levels; in addition to helping enhance the range of motion in your joints.

Anytime, anywhere: If you’re able, here are basic leg stretches you can make

  • Front thigh stretch
  • Have a partner stand close to a wall or sit on a chair while supporting themselves with their hands. Ensure that you have your feet sufficiently apart and that they should be the width of a pair of shoulders.
  • Step with one leg backward and slightly bend your opposite knee so that your foot can be raised towards your buttocks.
  • Clasp your hand on your affected ankle and try to bring your foot as close to your buttocks as you can.
  • Maintain the position of stretch for 15 – 30 seconds.
    Calf stretch

It is suggested to stand and place your hands with palms against the wall. One foot should be placed as far back as one can while maintaining balance on the heel of the other foot.

Both the toes should be pointing in the same direction as your shins, heels should be placed flat on the ground and your knees should be slightly bent.

Lean into the stretch. With this positioning, you should be feeling the stretch at the back leg.
The duration of the stretch should be between 15 to 30 seconds. Ideally, this is repeated 2 to 4 times for each leg.

Discuss with your doctor the correct way you can stretch or the proper form that you can take so that your muscles will not cause you any trouble.

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